Ruler Level System для Stellaris
Now with Ruler Focus UI update!
RLS let every Ruler has their own level system!
For Stellaris version 2.3, 2.4, and 2.5.

This mod was made in 1.4, but it was for personal use.
After adding icons, adjusting things, and 1.5 + #EATALIENSALIVE# DLC, I think it is time to release it for public use.
This mod is Savegame compatible.
Why this mod appear?
Before 1.6, I cannot help but find that my Ruler felt flat unlike my unlucky Scientist or my sector Governor. That's the first reason I made this mod.
[strike]Later, I noticed in my playthrough, my empire usually have too much influence to spend, and most of planetary edicts are hard to use, plus Empire edicts seems too empty to me, so I made a simple system where you can spend influence on.[/strike]NOT A THINGS NOW, YOU GOT RULER CAMPAIGNS
Ruler Hobby is inspired by CK2's character focus. Feeling that make sense to me, I made a simply version into this mod as well. [strike](Way Of Life DLC rip off)[/strike]
What does it do?
- Ruler has their own level system, which can level up by Holding Campaign or Managing Empire.
When Level up, you can gain some influence and unity.
- Every Ruler can have one hobby at a time (Gestalt Empires has their own),
giving a boost to Empire. When having a same Hobby several times, they can decide to become the expert of that Hobby.
- You can tell Ruler to focus on certain Hobbies category, or favoring certain Hobby so they will do that whenever they can, as long as they have experience on it.
- Every time your Ruler has new hobbies, they gain Campaign point (s). Campaign Point are used to active Ruler Campaigns, and Ruler Campaigns will appear from time to time, some of them are determined by Empire's ethics & civics.
1 vanilla UI file was edited from:
Any other UI mod that have "government_view.gui" changes will overwrite or get overwritten if mod load order is higher / lower than 'R' letter.
namespace = play_as_ruler
global_flag = play_as_ruler_started
This mod doesn't edit leader skill setting, instead, it add every ruler a new trait called Ruler Level Bar.
- Synthetic Ruler can have Agrarian Hobby - That's not a bug.
- It is easy for Ruler to get Level 5, but if they want to be higher, they need a lot of time and luck to become Level 6 and more, or by species' traits and empire's tech.
- If you encounter bug that your Heir get Level and Hobby instead of your actual Ruler, which should not happen in game, type "event play_as_ruler.8999" in console command tab to debug it. [strike](Force your Heir to disappear)[/strike]
Event Pictures Credits
Ruler Hobby : Agrarian
Agrarian Paradise
Shared by STRIX
Ruler Hobby : Miner
Mining settlement
by alex-ichim
#Page not exist on deviantART#
Ruler Hobby : Investor
Sci Fi - Power Core
by Marcin Bukowski
Ruler Hobby : Researcher
Cyberlab inc.
by Der-Reiko
Copyright 2011, Diviad GmbH
Ruler Hobby : Engineering Research
The Engineering Bay
by anasrist
Ruler Hobby : Constructor
Construction site
by medders
Ruler Hobby : Ship Builder
Ship Construction
by ProgV
Ruler Hobby : Logistician
Storage Corridor
by St-Pete
Ruler Hobby : Artistan Support
Bob Ross, yes, there's the painting by him.
Sound Effects
All Sound Effects in this mod are from EU4 and CK2.
Current Localisation
- English (Improved by Peterowsky)
- French (By EwieFairy)
Link: steam://openurl/
- Russian (By «PeGaS»)
- 簡體中文 (By 三文鱼烧)
Q: Will the AIs hold campaigns as well?
A: Yes. I hope AI can use them well, so I tweaks lots of ai_weight for them. Just to make sure them will use it well.
Q: Saved game compatable?
A: Yes, but actually no. If you have a save before my UI update, you should start a newgame instead.
Q: Can you make notification for choosing hobbies?
A: It's a thing in 2.2, but that's quite annoying for reasons, so I might or might not do that.
Check out my other mods!