WW2 German NPCs II - Luftwaffe для Garry's Mod

A re-made german NPC pack.
This pack contains every rank.
Note: "Every Rank" ≠ "Every Type"!
List of models:
Luftwaffe Ground Forces:
Enlisted (Smock)
NCO (Smock)
CO (Smock)
General (Coat)
Luftwaffe Fallschirmjäger:
Enlisted (Jumpsuit)
NCO (Jumpsuit)
CO (Jumpsuit)
Frequently Asked Questions and Issues:
How does one download this?
Click on the green "Subscribe" button, and Garry's Mod will download it the next time you start it.
How does one activate DOD:S in Garry's Mod (for addons which require DOD:S)?
Tick it in the pop-up menu that appears when you click on the game controller icon in the bottom right of the Garry's Mod main menu.
It does not show up in-game.
Try deleting the addon's GMA file from the Garry' Mod addon folder, and allowing Garry's Mod to re-download the addon.
When they die they enter the T pose position (for NPCs).
This is known to be caused by addons and/or mods which remove and/or replace the error model.
It does not work and/or crashes the game, please fix.
How do you expect me to do anything if you give me no information? Try checking for addon and/or mod conflicts.

Steam Group: Historical Garry's Mod.