Wolfenstein II TNC - Adolf Hitler для Garry's Mod
Adolf Hitler from Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.
This was sort of rushed (especially my pictures), however GMod did not want to work properly with this model, crashes were happening when trying to facepose, what I had to do for it not to crash is lower down the polycount for the head and hair by half, if you want to use the untouched and better version, use the SFM version, it has also better hair texture.
I can't guarantee it will not crash while using this model (it did not for me), if it for some reason does, use the SFM version.
Since it was rushed like I said, I didn't create many pictures, so have an official render from the game instead.
This has been rushed to celebrate May 9th aka Victory Day, (for some countries it has been changed to 8th like mine, but I'm keeping it OG here) anyway happy May 9th.
If you want to have your artwork featured, post it in the artwork/screenshot discussion, same deal like on my previous upload. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/933812458498403575/76A36EA20874A12FCA72F90190F6AE22AED8B805/ (except this time I wasn't lazy lol)
- Extra detail for the textures.
- Faceposing. (by Auditor ♦)
- Slightly edited weighting to the original bones.
- Finger-posable.
- ValveBiped.
- PlayerModel.
- Hostile NPC.
- Viewmodel c_arms.
- Full DirectX 8 support.
- Probably something more I forgot.
- Slightly improved face texture from the original.
- Uncompressed textures.
SFM version
- ArachnitCZ (me): Extracting, porting to the Source Engine, re-rigging, materials, pictures and more sh!t.
- Auditor ♦: Creating the facial expressions/flexes and helping me with the hair transparency.
- TΞssΞR: Creating the second and third pictures.
- MachineGames & Bethesda Softworks: Creating & owning this model and Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.
- Spam and dumb copypasta comments will be REMOVED AND BLOCKED. (You won't be able to post any more comments on ANY of my work if you get blocked.)
If you plan on redistributing this model credit me, Auditor ♦, MachineGames and Bethesda Softworks.
- "Wolfenstein II TNC - Adolf Hitler"
- "materials\models\arachnit\wolfenstein2\adolf_hitler\"
- "models\arachnit\wolfenstein2\adolf_hitler\"
[spoiler]Tags: (ignore)
wolfenstein german nazi national socialist dictator adolf hitler Адольф Гитлер 1488[/spoiler]
This was sort of rushed (especially my pictures), however GMod did not want to work properly with this model, crashes were happening when trying to facepose, what I had to do for it not to crash is lower down the polycount for the head and hair by half, if you want to use the untouched and better version, use the SFM version, it has also better hair texture.
I can't guarantee it will not crash while using this model (it did not for me), if it for some reason does, use the SFM version.
Since it was rushed like I said, I didn't create many pictures, so have an official render from the game instead.
This has been rushed to celebrate May 9th aka Victory Day, (for some countries it has been changed to 8th like mine, but I'm keeping it OG here) anyway happy May 9th.
If you want to have your artwork featured, post it in the artwork/screenshot discussion, same deal like on my previous upload. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/933812458498403575/76A36EA20874A12FCA72F90190F6AE22AED8B805/ (except this time I wasn't lazy lol)
- Extra detail for the textures.
- Faceposing. (by Auditor ♦)
- Slightly edited weighting to the original bones.
- Finger-posable.
- ValveBiped.
- PlayerModel.
- Hostile NPC.
- Viewmodel c_arms.
- Full DirectX 8 support.
- Probably something more I forgot.
Additional features:
- Slightly improved face texture from the original.
- Uncompressed textures.
SFM version
- ArachnitCZ (me): Extracting, porting to the Source Engine, re-rigging, materials, pictures and more sh!t.
- Auditor ♦: Creating the facial expressions/flexes and helping me with the hair transparency.
- TΞssΞR: Creating the second and third pictures.
- MachineGames & Bethesda Softworks: Creating & owning this model and Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.
- Spam and dumb copypasta comments will be REMOVED AND BLOCKED. (You won't be able to post any more comments on ANY of my work if you get blocked.)
If you plan on redistributing this model credit me, Auditor ♦, MachineGames and Bethesda Softworks.
Addon file name:
- "Wolfenstein II TNC - Adolf Hitler"
Texture and material path:
- "materials\models\arachnit\wolfenstein2\adolf_hitler\"
Model path:
- "models\arachnit\wolfenstein2\adolf_hitler\"
[spoiler]Tags: (ignore)
wolfenstein german nazi national socialist dictator adolf hitler Адольф Гитлер 1488[/spoiler]