Witcher Gates для Garry's Mod
What is it?
A tool to create linked pairs of portals which can be used to travel between two locations. Inspired by the magic portals from the game "The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt"
Why do I care?
Because they look cool. Also portals.
How do I use it?
Pull out the tool, select a key you want to toggle the portal with, choose a color, click two points, press toggle key. Done.
• You will sometimes get stuck when transitioning from a floor/45degree portal to a wall portal.
• [strike]Ceiling portals are bad.[/strike] Fixed, probably.
• Floor portals are also arguably bad.
• Bullets don't go through portals. Yet.
Some users are reporting being unable to see the portals. Apparently older versions of DirectX are not compatible with this addon. To fix it, change to DirectX 9 by typing in console: mat_dxlevel 90 or mat_dxlevel 95
Added a new entity to the Q menu. Find it under the category 'Portals.'
This entity will create a small stone gateway that users can toggle on/off by pressing E on them. The gateways must first be linked, though.
To link a pair of gateways, hold ALT and press E while aiming at and near a portal. Then, find the corresponding portal and press ALT and E again.
You can also make these gateways persist across map restarts by using the new context menu options.
The option 'Always On' means no one can toggle the portal off, except a super admin. Useful for placing travel points around the map.
The option 'Toggleable' will preserve the functionality where any user can enable/disable the gateway.
'None' obviously prevents the portal from saving.