TGN Advanced Money Printer для Garry's Mod
An Advanced Money Printer for DarkRP:
This pack has three different sized batteries, an overclocker, a cooler, a failsafe and the actual printer.
The batteries add power to the printer, not upgrade the battery size.There's a button for that if you press E on the printer.
The overclocker makes the money printer print faster and collect XP faster, but will cause the printer to over heat faster.
The cooler keeps the money printer cool and keeps the slows the printers over heat bar.
The fail
safe stops the printer from over heating by shutting it off at the point you program into the failsafe (by pressing E while looking at the failsafe) You can have more the one fail safe in a printer at once because there is a chance your fail safe will... fail... hehe...
The Batteries aren't working (And upgrade button is greyed out):
Batteries are disabled by default in config.
To enable them, download the addon via dropbox,
or extract the addon using gmad, and enable Power.
Anyone can level up the printers. What's with that?:
The level up button is only enabled for superadmins+.
Your players can't see that.
This is designed for leveling up a printer in staff situations.
How can I go about adding these to my F4 menu?:
A wonderful user named Salted Salad has created a discussion called "Printer code for your server"
Please read through that. Thank you Salad, once again, for writing that up for the lovely people of Garry's Mod.
Downloadable version:
This pack has three different sized batteries, an overclocker, a cooler, a failsafe and the actual printer.
The batteries add power to the printer, not upgrade the battery size.There's a button for that if you press E on the printer.
The overclocker makes the money printer print faster and collect XP faster, but will cause the printer to over heat faster.
The cooler keeps the money printer cool and keeps the slows the printers over heat bar.
The fail
safe stops the printer from over heating by shutting it off at the point you program into the failsafe (by pressing E while looking at the failsafe) You can have more the one fail safe in a printer at once because there is a chance your fail safe will... fail... hehe...
The Batteries aren't working (And upgrade button is greyed out):
Batteries are disabled by default in config.
To enable them, download the addon via dropbox,
or extract the addon using gmad, and enable Power.
Anyone can level up the printers. What's with that?:
The level up button is only enabled for superadmins+.
Your players can't see that.
This is designed for leveling up a printer in staff situations.
How can I go about adding these to my F4 menu?:
A wonderful user named Salted Salad has created a discussion called "Printer code for your server"
Please read through that. Thank you Salad, once again, for writing that up for the lovely people of Garry's Mod.
Downloadable version: