[TFA] GMod Weapon Holsters [v0.2] для Garry's Mod
![[TFA] GMod Weapon Holsters [v0.2]](http://image.prntscr.com/image/73b546f53ad840978fe9a51a636e223f.jpg)
Follow up on Progress at this Progression Board(Similar to Trello) here
Welcome to GMod Weapon Holsters v0.1
Items ready for Use and Provided in this Version of the Addon;
- Primaries[All]
- Secondaries[All]
- Melees[All]
- Special[All]
- Primaries[All]
- Secondaries[All]
- Special[All]
TFA-Day Of Defeat (WW2)
- Primaries[All]
- Secondaries[All]
- Special[All]
TFA-Day Of Infamy (WW2)
- Primaries[All]
- Secondaries[All]
TFA-Call of Duty: 4
- Primaries[All]
- Secondaries[All]
- Primaries[All]
- Secondaries[All]
Pack one
- RPG-7
- Freedom SR
- Remington MSR
- Minimi Para
- Gauss Cannon
- The Ravanger
- Bren(WW2)
- TES:III Broadswords and Sabers
Addons Required;
Optional(Atleast one of the Below is Needed|What you Don't take from Below will disable a Section Above);
- TFA NMRIH Firearms
- TFA NMRIH Melees
- TFA NMRIH Special
- TFA CS:GO Main
- TFA Day Of Defeat(WW2)
- TFA Day Of Infamy(WW2)
- TFA Call of Duty: 4
- TFA L'aigle
Pack one
- TFA Freedom SR[/ur]
- [url=http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=876487668]TFA KSG
- Remington MSR
- Minimi Para
- Gauss Cannon
- The Ravanger
- Bren(WW2)
- TES:III Broadswords and Sabers
- Gaps left Between HL2 Citizen Playermodel and Guns to help with bigger models.
- This Addon is to Expand into Customizable Weaponary 2 (TFA/CW will Share this Addon as Stated above you will be able to chose what is enabled and disabled)
- Some Weapons use same Spots for Holsters, Sorry but humans are small.
- More Weapons are Underway!
Addons Used in Screenshots
Frequently Asked Questions[FAQ]
- How do I get rid of Half Life Two Weapons on my Back?
Get a drop weapon addon or go to utilities > admin > settings/options > uncheck enable weapons and respawn
- How do I get rid of a Weapon from my Back without Respawning?
Get a drop weapon addon/script
Example: In DarkRP you can do "/drop"
- Can you add Support for .....?
You got a Suggestion/Request? Post it in the Comments with a link
- Why is the Weapon Clipping into my Playermodel?
It's either because the playermodel you're using has different bones set from default, or the playermodel is too large
- Can you add Support to NPCs?
First off, they can only have one weapon on them, and they don't holster
- Why are the Guns errors?
Make sure to check the Weapon's addon page for any Requirements
- How can I Enable/Disable the Addon without Unsubscribing?
by typing what is in quoites into console without the quotes
"cl_holsteredgunss 1" = Enable
"cl_holsteredgunss 0" = Disable
This can be entered into your server config file to keep it as that option.
Creator Credits;
- Project Creator - Curry
- Project Contributor & Repository Manager - Servius
Contribute to the Project by Donating! Click ->here<- to donate!
Donator Credits;
- 5 Euros - Shaak
(Got a server using this addon? Post in the comments!)