SW Map : Venator для Garry's Mod
![SW Map : Venator](https://i.imgur.com/2QWYtyw.png)
![SW Map : Venator](https://i.imgur.com/4qWG0sH.png)
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/aJmBEpZ.png)
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/Mftyk3C.png)
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/uPY3dEJ.png)
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
can you add toggleable lights?
No. Not only DOUBLES this the light limit percentage for BOTH hdr and ldr vrad compiles but also just looks horrid as the engine spits out weird discolored shadows. Ontop of that Ive seen many communities report that its actually not really necessary.
make an imperial star destroyer
Lord Trilobite already made a great one! check it out here
Im getting an error : map differs from server's
First... Restart Gmod!!! The error means that I recently updated the map and the server youre on hasnt restarted or you need to resub to this addon. If that didnt do it go to your "*/garrysmod/addons/" and delete the "STAR_WARS_Roleplay_:_Venator.gma"
finish the map! there are lots of locked doors and open space!
Those rooms used to be there. I had to cut them as the map was too big and wouldnt compile.
can you make the skybox bigger?
No. Source has a limit for mapsize. Its already at its max.
Where are the admin buttons?
They are next to the engine room. Use noclip to get there.
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
Cut Content
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
As the map was exceeding source limits I had to cut a lot of features and rooms in order to get it to compile.
The following list will include all the cut content:
- [Strike]All the other controlable turbolasers[/strike]
- Second sidehangar
- Second corridor connecting barracks and bottom hangar
- controlable engine core
- Working docking bay at bottom hangar
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
This is a Star Wars Roleplay map that takes place on the Venator-class Star Destroyer. Its features are as the name implies extensive. Along with its great appearance and a multitude of different rooms and iconic places comes the ability to jump into hyperspace and travel to different places in the universe such as Coruscant, Mustafar, many more planets, an asteroidfield or just empty space. The Venators main hangar is big enough for pretty much any middle sized vehicle of popular StarWars fighter addons. Together with the MH comes another hangar at the side of the ship and also at the bottom. Looking at the other features you can expect a great prison, a medical bay, a security sector, many many barracks, miscellaneous other control and random rp rooms and a multitude of connecting corridors.
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
![SW Map : Venator](https://i.imgur.com/B5z2ifh.jpg)
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
You are able to jump to hyperspace. Pick your target and initiate the jump on the air traffic control bridge (right).
Enter the seat next to the holoemiter that projects a galaxy. Use "wasd" to choose your destination. Any point on the map is possible to travel to. Just make sure you meet the minimum distance to the ship. After the location is locked in go up to the bridge window and hit the right button. You will now travel trough hyperspace and can watch the venator move on the holo galaxy. You cant stop the jump but move the crosshair during flight.
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
![SW Map : Venator](https://i.imgur.com/wT8CFlz.jpg)
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
The Venator also has two working turbolasers. To control them hop into either the front left or front right control seats on the starfighter command bridge (left). You will then be ablt to move the turret around with your mouse and shoot lasers with you primary attack key.
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
![SW Map : Venator](https://i.imgur.com/FIf0PBt.jpg)
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
In order to give team members the ability to control and to some extent fix possible bugs with the map I also included buttons that change some features. From left to right you can fix broken lifts, toggle a visible map border, change the hyperspace speed and change the visual appearance of the ship (republican or imperial).
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
LordTrilobite for some great textures and amazing models such as the chairs on the bridge and the asteroids
P4sca1 for writing a lua script that is used for the turbolasers
Oninoni for helping me figure out some complex files and massively expanding upon the turbolaser features!
Airfox for helping me a lot with lua. Without him the visual alarm, toggleable map border and toggleable ship appearance wouldnt be a thing.
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
Do not copy, reupload, edit or in any other way distribute the content that comes with this map. It is all forbidden by the Steam User Agreement and considert a Copyright infringement.
![SW Map : Venator](http://i.imgur.com/qJnQb6b.png)
Tags: Star Wars, Clone Wars, Roleplay, Map, KingPommes, Venator, SWRP, Performance, Spaceship, Prison, Clones, Military, Training, Imperial, IMPRP, rp_venator_extensive