Combine Suits 2.0 PLUS для Garry's Mod
What is this?
This addon is modification for FiLzO's Combine Suits 2.0
Combine Suits 2.0 PLUS adds 15 more different suits.
Что это?
Это модификация для аддона Combine Suits 2.0,сделанного FiLzO.
Combine Suits 2.0 PLUS добавляет ещё 15 костюмов.
1.Airborne Trooper Suit
2.Airborne Sapper Suit
3.Airborne Grenadier Suit
4.Sergant Combine Soldier Suit
5.Corporal Combine Soldier Suit
6.Enforcer Combine Soldier Suit
7.Sergant Prison Combine Suit
8.Corporal Prison Combine Suit
9.Heavy Prison Combine Suit
10.Sniper Combine Suit(It's remake)
11.Sniper Metro Police Suit
12.Combine General Suit
13.Combine Machine Gunner
14.Civil Protection Machine Gunner
15.Prison Machine Gunner
My Dropship Dupe:
By the way,if you wanna be a member of CMB group, here's the link
Steam - Valve
Combine Units 2.0 - FiLzO
Combine Units PLUS - Mikhail Bolt (Me)
Garry's Mod - Garry Newman
Concept Combine Model - DrVrej
FaSale - Weapons