Cod IW C6 Robot Ragdolls для Garry's Mod
Not for player / NPC models, only for posing.
customizable Call of Duty Infinity Warfare C6 robot Ragdolls

Here is tutorial,for who dont know how to bone merging.
sample pic3-4 by lonefirewarrior
sample pic5 by Faithfullfaun
sample pic6 by Viper123_SWE
-Basic finger posing.
-Bodygroups and bonemerge tool can be replace its body,leg arm and head parts.
-Parts models has skin and body groups.(Destroyed parts,and other skin.)
-The white armor models can be recolor with color tool.
FP release thread
IW dev team
-model / texture / Basic skeleton and weightmap
infinite ward team
-The concept is created by Aaron Beck.
-Export tool "wraith"
by DTZxPorter
-cap camouflage textures
-some QC file provieded.
< Textures trouble>
If you still have purple and black textures after subscribe all the texture files, the download have failed I guess,
try this method.
1: Unsubscribe the three COD IW C6 Robot workshop files.
2: Delete the three .gma files below
3: Then try re-subscribe.
customizable Call of Duty Infinity Warfare C6 robot Ragdolls

Here is tutorial,for who dont know how to bone merging.
sample pic3-4 by lonefirewarrior
sample pic5 by Faithfullfaun
sample pic6 by Viper123_SWE
-Basic finger posing.
-Bodygroups and bonemerge tool can be replace its body,leg arm and head parts.
-Parts models has skin and body groups.(Destroyed parts,and other skin.)
-The white armor models can be recolor with color tool.
FP release thread
IW dev team
-model / texture / Basic skeleton and weightmap
infinite ward team
-The concept is created by Aaron Beck.
-Export tool "wraith"
by DTZxPorter
-cap camouflage textures
-some QC file provieded.
< Textures trouble>
If you still have purple and black textures after subscribe all the texture files, the download have failed I guess,
try this method.
1: Unsubscribe the three COD IW C6 Robot workshop files.
2: Delete the three .gma files below
3: Then try re-subscribe.