Automatic Votemap Cycle для Garry's Mod
This is full automatic votemap system.
You can add maps to a pool which are used for votes.
Its very usefull, if you want a mapcycle where the players can choose the nextmap.
This version DOESNT require ULX or Ulib.
To add a map ingame use:
automap_addnextmap <map> <gamemode>
Or create an empty textfile named mapcycle.txt to your data folder.
And add maps to the mapcycle.txt this way:
gm_flatgrass sandbox
gm_construct darkrp
gm_mobenix_v3 prop_hunt
gm_botmap sandbox
If you want remove some map from cycle, just remove line with this map from mapcycle.txt file and restart server.
Admin ConVars (settings):
sv_automap_votetime 120 -- How many minutes to first Vote
sv_automap_extendtime 60 -- Extend Map for x Minutes
sv_automap_retry 3 -- Retrys if nobody voted
sv_automap_minvoteneed 0.65 -- In percent
sv_automap_maxextend 4 -- Maximum Extend do -1 to deactivate
sv_automap_minmaps 4 -- How many maps should be in the vote, can be from 1 to 9.
sv_automap_rocksneeded 0.6 -- in % how many rockvotes are needed to force a mapvote
sv_automap_changetime 60 -- In seconds
sv_automap_defaultgmode sandbox -- Change default gamemode
sv_automap_blocktime 180 -- how long should be blocked vote for nextmap just after previous vote (in seconds).
sv_automap_loadtime 300 -- how long should be blocked vote for nextmap just after map loaded (in seconds).
sv_automap_advertise 1 -- enable/disable advertise into game chat with addon commands (for players).
Note: all settings should be stored in garrysmod\cfg\server.cfg if you want to save it, server will read this config every map change.
Admin Commands:
automap_setextend - Change the Extends ingame.
automap_startmapvote 0/1 - Start next vote by manual with or without extend option.
automap_abort - Abort changing map via server/admin console.
automap_reload_cycle - Reload maps cycle without changing map.
automap_reload_settings - Reload addon settings without changing map.
!abort in chat - Abort changing map.
Player Commands:
Type !nominate to add your favorite map to the next mapvote!
Type !rtv to vote for the start of the next mapvote!
Type !hidevotehud to hide or unhide votemap hud!
Have fun.
Automapvote by -)BDB(-DrTight
Porting to gmod13 and improvements by AlexALX
You can add maps to a pool which are used for votes.
Its very usefull, if you want a mapcycle where the players can choose the nextmap.
This version DOESNT require ULX or Ulib.
To add a map ingame use:
automap_addnextmap <map> <gamemode>
Or create an empty textfile named mapcycle.txt to your data folder.
And add maps to the mapcycle.txt this way:
gm_flatgrass sandbox
gm_construct darkrp
gm_mobenix_v3 prop_hunt
gm_botmap sandbox
If you want remove some map from cycle, just remove line with this map from mapcycle.txt file and restart server.
Admin ConVars (settings):
sv_automap_votetime 120 -- How many minutes to first Vote
sv_automap_extendtime 60 -- Extend Map for x Minutes
sv_automap_retry 3 -- Retrys if nobody voted
sv_automap_minvoteneed 0.65 -- In percent
sv_automap_maxextend 4 -- Maximum Extend do -1 to deactivate
sv_automap_minmaps 4 -- How many maps should be in the vote, can be from 1 to 9.
sv_automap_rocksneeded 0.6 -- in % how many rockvotes are needed to force a mapvote
sv_automap_changetime 60 -- In seconds
sv_automap_defaultgmode sandbox -- Change default gamemode
sv_automap_blocktime 180 -- how long should be blocked vote for nextmap just after previous vote (in seconds).
sv_automap_loadtime 300 -- how long should be blocked vote for nextmap just after map loaded (in seconds).
sv_automap_advertise 1 -- enable/disable advertise into game chat with addon commands (for players).
Note: all settings should be stored in garrysmod\cfg\server.cfg if you want to save it, server will read this config every map change.
Admin Commands:
automap_setextend - Change the Extends ingame.
automap_startmapvote 0/1 - Start next vote by manual with or without extend option.
automap_abort - Abort changing map via server/admin console.
automap_reload_cycle - Reload maps cycle without changing map.
automap_reload_settings - Reload addon settings without changing map.
!abort in chat - Abort changing map.
Player Commands:
Type !nominate to add your favorite map to the next mapvote!
Type !rtv to vote for the start of the next mapvote!
Type !hidevotehud to hide or unhide votemap hud!
Have fun.
Automapvote by -)BDB(-DrTight
Porting to gmod13 and improvements by AlexALX