Community-Online-Tools для DayZ
Right click the player management button to fix the low client fps.
This mod is still in it's early state. Many features are planned to be made and released at a later stage. There may be some bugs. If you do find some, report them in them on my github here
This is the first set of GUI based admin tools created by the developers of DayZ Community Offline Mode. This makes use of a modular design which allows other mods such as DayZ Expansion or DayZ HypeTrain to add their own menu's for admins to have further control of their servers. Community Online Tools allows you to teleport players, set player health, blood, shock, change the weather of the server and even spawn in vehicles. Also, this mod allows you to set the aiming mode for players to the old 0.62 system if you, the server admin wishes to use it.
Server Installation Instructions:
- Copy/Paste @Community-Online-Tools into server root directory. Remove any special characters from name such as -/ or spaces sometimes cause location issues. Exp: @Community-Online-Tools = @CommunityOnlineTools
- Copy/Paste @Community-Online-Tools/Keys/Bsign file to server root keys folder.
- Locate default profile file folder. If one is not in server root one will need to be made. Admin or Config is sometimes default Profile folder. If making one then the function -profiles=yourprofilename
will be needed to identify profile existance. This function can be used in a custom launch parameter, statup command, or from your .bat file.
- Inside of your Profile folder will need to create folder called "CommunityOnlineTools" and a folder called "PermissionsFramework"
- Inside CommunityOnlineTools create a folder called "ItemSets" and a folder called "Vehicles". Inside PermissionsFramework create a folder called "Permissions" a folder called "Players" and a folder called "Roles".
- Do nothing to CommunityOnlineTools.
- Inside PermissionsFramework/Permissions folder create a text file named your Steam64_id. This can be obtained while logged into steam goto steam profile/account it will be a series of numbes in link box near top left of steam page at the end of the link.
Inside of your Steam64_id.txt paste only this link
- Inside PermissionsFramework/Players folder create a .json file Named your Steam64_id. A .json file can be made by first making a new text file open it save as change file type to all files then Name It with .json at the end and pick save location. (Desktop)
Inside of your Steam64_id.json paste only this link
- Activate mode Via Server Provider Launch Perameter,Startup command or .bat file. -mod=@CF;@CommunityOnlineTools
Load @CF and @CommunityOnlineTools client side as well from DayZ Launcher.
- At this point can fill in your Steam64_id but leave GUID blank "" Your Guid is Unknown at this time.
Select parameters and check Profile Name and type your perffered online name. Start Game and join your server. After join server Leave server and shutdown server.
- Enter you server files. Find your Server logs. Find Server_Console.log for most. Search for your name or UID its a long sting of Chars nums and specials.
Paste that in your Players Steam64_id.json file in the GUID "".
- Start your sever. Join your server you now have Admin privilages. Press "End" to turn on COT if doesnt work try changing its key binding.[/olist]
Video instructions for installing this mod will be re-recorded soon. The current one is now outdated due to recent and upcoming changes.
Y - Open the toolbar menu
INSERT - Toggle free camera Note: This teleports your player to the position you looked at when exitting out of it
H - This teleports you to the position you are looking at
END - Toggles COT on or off
Planned features:
- Ability to recolour any menu to a users choice
- Key framing for the Cinematic camera position and settings (would most likely be moved into another mod).
- Localisation support
Known issues:
- Can't teleport a player inside a vehicle (GAME ISSUE)
- Objects placed may seem to have a different positiion in the client compared to the server (GAME ISSUE)
- Objects placed may render at a different position than where the server thinks it is (GAME ISSUE)so
- Sometimes permissions may not set correctly, requiring a relog or restart of the server.
Monetization is allowed on your servers but it would be nice that a small percentage is sent as a donation. This is not enforced but would be greatly appreciated.
If you like this mod do feel free to send a donation to my paypal here. This mod is released for free for all to use and monetize of but any donation would be greatly appreciated.