Leper the Barbarian - Leper skin для Darkest Dungeon

Additional skin for Leper, does not overwrite vanilla skins, inspired by Conan the Barbarian. Mix of Arnold and comics design.

Game art used as base.
Animation previews:

Uses currently slot leper_K, if overlaps with other leper skin, change last letter to something else.
There is alternative camp picture with the sword included to the files. Just rename if you want to use that one instead.
I followed the body-proportions pretty closely, skill fx should fit pretty well.
- Depending based on feedback, possibly Vanill aleper version of this, and expanded palette. Suggestions are welcome.
Quick examples put together:

Barbarian Class mod by Dem:
Purely un-official/un-endorsed fan creation, not associated with creators/owners of DD, or Conan.
Nexus link for GoG-users: