Better Thralls v1.9.0 для Conan Exiles
Feedback and suggestions are welcome.
Mod-ID: 931088249
See this discussion
Press shift+home (or pos 1) to open the Better Thralls User Settings.
If you use the Mod Control Panel you can also press shift+end to open the control panel with the Better Thralls Settings.
See this discussion for the available options and their usage.
Supports Mod Control Panel
Pickup Thralls & Pets
Thralls and pets can be picked up again (if the inventory of the thrall / pet is empty). If you pickup a thrall/pet with the new level system you will lose all progress. the thrall/pet starts with level 0 and new random stats!
Additional Thralls and Pets as followers
The default setting for the additional followers is 3 (3+1 original follower of the game). Max value: 10
A system similar to the whistle system from ARK - give commands to all your thralls in range.
Press T to open the warcry menu.
Thrall Carry
Thralls, horses and pets can drag unconcious thralls.
Pet Animations
Different 'idle' animations for your place thralls like sit or relax (depending on the pet type).
- Fashionist
- Unlock Plus + Pickup
- WYSIWYG Wheel of Pain
- Better Thralls
- Stacksize Plus
- Building Shortcut Bar

This mod contains assets (art, music, code, items, systems and/or designs) that are the intellectual property of Funcom Oslo AS or their licensors.
Mod-ID: 931088249
Frequently Asked Questions
See this discussion
Previous Version(s)
User Settings
Press shift+home (or pos 1) to open the Better Thralls User Settings.
If you use the Mod Control Panel you can also press shift+end to open the control panel with the Better Thralls Settings.
Admin Settings
See this discussion for the available options and their usage.
Mod Control Panel
Supports Mod Control Panel
Pickup Thralls & Pets
Thralls and pets can be picked up again (if the inventory of the thrall / pet is empty). If you pickup a thrall/pet with the new level system you will lose all progress. the thrall/pet starts with level 0 and new random stats!
Additional Thralls and Pets as followers
The default setting for the additional followers is 3 (3+1 original follower of the game). Max value: 10
A system similar to the whistle system from ARK - give commands to all your thralls in range.
Press T to open the warcry menu.
Experimental Features
Thrall Carry
Thralls, horses and pets can drag unconcious thralls.
Pet Animations
Different 'idle' animations for your place thralls like sit or relax (depending on the pet type).
My Mods:
- Fashionist
- Unlock Plus + Pickup
- WYSIWYG Wheel of Pain
- Better Thralls
- Stacksize Plus
- Building Shortcut Bar
This mod contains assets (art, music, code, items, systems and/or designs) that are the intellectual property of Funcom Oslo AS or their licensors.