Simple Single Player Cheat Menu для Arma 3
v1.1.6 Released!
ATTENTION! Since 1.1.5 you must press the LOAD SSPCM button for the cheat menu to load!

Simple single player cheat menu by Benargee. This addon is accessible inside any single player mission or scenario, Including the official campaign. Includes access to Zeus, debug console, virtual arsenal and a few other cheat functions. This addon is also very useful for mission developement, without having to include temporary debug scripts.
Very easy to access! Once in any single player mission, open your map. In the top bar you will see a button that says "Load SSPCM". After you click the button, in the top left of the screen you will see "Cheats!" In a drop down menu. From there, you can enable or disable any of the features.
- Zeus - Create anything you want!
- Virtual Arsenal - Access any weapon, including modded weapons!
- Virtual Garage - Access any Vehicle, including modded vehicles!
- Infinite health - Walk through battles without getting hurt!
- Teleport - Go where you want instantly!
- Disable fatigue - No more getting tired!
- Works in existing game saves - No need to start over!
- Debug Console - Available in every mission!
- Even more features - More features not listed here!
More features to come, suggestions and ideas are welcome.
Correct operation is not guaranteed in multiplayer scenarios.

This addon is licensed under the terms of Bohemia Interactive's Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)