Egg N Poop Collector / Incubator для ARK: Survival Evolved
Collector auto collects eggs, fertilized eggs, and poop from ground / behind walls within a large radius across your base.
★ Incubator will incubate faster and keep all nearby fert eggs healthy.
★ Silo will send collected poop into friendly compost bins in range first unless they are full, also distributes any stored thatch to them. Lastly it collects fertilizers from bins.
★ Eggs n poop are auto collected from the ground into your active Collector.
★ Collector preserves eggs and poop longer too. This mod increases max Poop Stack size to 20.
★ Clean and Stackable. A simple mod with aims at fast performance in eggs, poop and incubating.
Detailed Description:
[olist]- Collector now has ingame radial menu to choose Collect Poop only, Egg only, or Both.
- Collector controls all silo and incubators in range. Must be powered and active to work.
- Collector will not collect any eggs dropped within an active incubator's range. Unlocking it can also disable all collecting of fertilized eggs.
- Collector dynamically limits collection range to not collect from enemy pets.
- Collector range should cover even your biggest bases, default 75 floors length in all directions, adjustable via settings.
- Thatch N Fertilizer Silo will work with all compost bins in range and auto distributes collected poop, stored thatch and collects fertilizer from compost bins.
- Incubator incubates fert eggs faster and kept healthy in a small room radius. Prevents collector from collecting incubated eggs. (Range adjusted by setting, default 5 floors radius).
- Incubated eggs display a small glow every collector interval, default 33 secs. Means the egg is being incubated.
Also works with all eggs from dino mods.
- Craft costs: Collector- 75 metal ingot, 75 crystal, 20 electronic. Incubator- 25 metal ingot, 20 crystal, 5 electronic.
- Large Compost Bin can make fertilizer much faster and in batches. Also bigger storage.
- Incubator and Silo needs an active Collector in range to work. This mod stacks poop up to max 20.
- Can Use Poop stacks to split into single poops for crop plants. (Splits without poisoning player, but irreversible)
Mod Server Settings:
Paste this section after end of your server's GameUserSettings.ini and edit default values:
[olist]- MaxPoopStacks means maximum stacks of Poop to autocollect (default 15). Set -1 to disable Poop Collect. Each stack is up to 20 poop.
- MaxAchaPoopStacks is different, it controls the max stack count of Achatina Snail Poop to collect. Default 0 or -1 means no snail poop. Recommend set between 10 to 15 stacks.
- CollectInterval is the time between each collection in secs (Default 40 secs, min 25, max 45).
- IncubateDistance controls the incubator incubation radius, 1500 is roughly five floors length. Put -1 to disable.
- IncubateBoostMultiplier multiplies the speed to hatch eggs faster when near incubator. (Must more than 0.0 , Put 1.0 for normal ark speed).
- Set BlockAutoCompostBins to 'true' if you wish to disable autofilling of compost bins with poop, because 'false' will fill all nearby compost bins regardless of MaxPoopStacks.
- CollectDistance controls the radius how far the collector will work. Default of 20000.0 means around 75 floors radius. Set this higher than IncubateDistance.
- SiloDistance is the working range of the Tatch N Fertilizer Silo. Should be lower or equal to CollectDistance.
Admin Spawn Codes: Spawn Codes Link
Troubleshooting FAQ
Optional Resource Stacks link
ModID: 554678442
This mod is free, but Donations for the time and effort are welcome:
Also try my other mods:
Scorched Earth Tabula Rasa
Indominus Rex Nemesis
Dragon Gods
Photon Sentry N Rifle
Pet Companions
Egg N Poop Collector N Incubator
Pet Finder
Death Helper
Meat Spoiler
Charcoal Baker
Oil Compressor
Resource Stacks
Scorched Earth Resource Stacks
Bulk Crafters
Admin Bomb
★ Disclaimer: So I am not updating anymore for my own reasons. But I have and always will allow everyone free use of any resources and ideas from all my Ark projects, rest assured I will never deny your creative freedom. Also please don't spread rumors, and keep in mind I'm not responsible for any actions you take on your own.